Its Time to Buy Christmas Gifts ....

Sunday, 30 October 2011

What if it fails ?. Plan For Success. Pre-Planning Affiliate Strategies.

How often have you come across a marketing campaign that strikes you as ill-conceived, slightly out of the times, and generally unimportant in the current climate of marketing and consumer spending. They're everywhere -- unlikely intentionally, but they're certainly a part of our lives. And while these marketing plans much produce some returns -- they'd certainly be canceled or at least modified should they not -- they don't truly connect with us like they could.

Part of this is the massive change in marketing that's going on currently. With the new methods of communication and message spreading made possible by the social web, companies are desperate to hop aboard the train and get their wares out their and in the open. Twitter, Facebook and other sexy companies are taking up the main view in many marketers' radars, and entire divisions of companies are being created to decide exactly how to make the most of these innovative new social tools.

The thing is, they're often poorly planned out. Especially amongst affiliate marketers, the propensity for completely inane and improper social media use is sky-high, and considered a common sense part of our marketing efforts. While it undoubtedly brings around results, much like the relatively poor TV ads of yesteryear, those results are hard to measure in a relative field. How much did your social media campaign really cost you? Not just in terms of cost, since the barrier to enter social media realms is very low, but in terms of the time cost and effort expenditure.

For affiliate marketers, we need to pre-plan our strategies and work around relative results, not just results alone. Opportunity cost should be a huge concern for affiliate marketers, especially if you're paying other people to work for you. Which metrics bring in the most value and stomp on all the others? Those are the metrics that should be focused on, not those that have the most sex appeal and the greatest amount of attention in the public world.

After all, it's about sales, isn't it? We're all out there trying to boost sales, fight off a lack of spending in a recession, and find the best niches to maximize profits in. But when these diversions and distractions get in the way of finding the most profitable marketing metrics, it's important to take a step back and take stock of what is and isn't working. Forcing yourself into a medium that doesn't sell isn't the way forward. Finding the most profitable medium, be it SEO, PPC, or social media marketing (or any other) is where the money is.

In order to see truly remarkable affiliate sales results, you need to plan your marketing campaigns to make use of not just the most current and valuable marketing tools, but those that produce highly valuable results. Twitter and Facebook will come and go. What won't come and go is the customer base that supports you, evangelizes you and keeps on talking.

To learn more about affiliate marketing, check out the free Fire Your Boss report. Feel free to distribute this article in any form as long as you include this resource box. You can also include your affiliate link if you sign up at Clickbank Pirate.

Marketing is one of those domains that's being summarily thrown on its own head right now. Like finance and manufacturing, marketing has long been something that existed without waves and changes. TV ads were the greatest currency, followed by radio and newspaper coverage. If you had the exposure and the audience, you had the sales, and even the most blunt and ineffective marketing campaign could get by with enough faces looking at it.

Sound familiar? That was the face of the marketing world just ten years ago, when mass marketing was still the flavor of the month and consumers still responded to incentives laid out on mainstream TV. Boy, how things have changed since then. Nowadays, companies are slowly realizing just how ineffective that method of marketing is becoming, and are rapidly switching to a new model built on value creation, interaction and massive customer feedback potential.

Affiliate marketers should be leading the way online. Lets face it - they've got the most riding on it. When you're an affiliate marketer, all your sales rely on consumer confidence, spending patterns and quality of your products. When you're getting people onto your websites, you need those conversions, and anything other than a buy is something best avoided. Traffic just doesn't work any more. You need targeted traffic where you once needed any old traffic, and you're beginning to need evangelized traffic where targeted traffic once worked.

Take a look at your affiliate sales and see if things are working in your favor. The greatest affiliate marketers -- the marketers making $10,000+ per month -- are working ahead of everyone else, building the strategies that make them millions month after month. Everyone else, well, they're scrambling around trying to pick the pieces up off the floor.

By applying some simple strategies, you can move from the back of the pack up to the front. Set the pace, don't simply follow along picking up someone else's leftovers. By being at the front of the affiliate marketing pack you can set the speed, pick up all the rewards, and leave the others to worry about the competition and the strategy. Using the advice and strategy in this free report, you can speed up and move yourself to the front of the pack.

Click Here To Download Your Free "Fire Your Boss" Report

Don't bicker at the back and pick up the pieces, be a leader and set the pace. By using this free report, you can ignore the naysayers and set the pace yourself.

Click Here To Download Your Free "Fire Your Boss" Report

Are Autopilot Income Dreams a Reality?

Every online marketer is chasing an autopilot income, and with so many still pouring hours and hours into their work, it can easily seem like the dream isn't a reality. With many marketers worrying over traffic stats, constantly analysing their landing pages designs, and making sure that their sales copy is 100% optimised, it's easy for you to fall into the trap of thinking that more work = more money. It's not true, and with a quick look into the minds and habits of the top online marketers, it's even easier to see that with just a small amount of initial work, you can create an online marketing income that scales to your lifestyle, creates an income that allows you to live the way you want, and doesn't leave you in front of a computer screen for 80 hours a week.

Tired of the marketing copy promising you time away from work? It's not all junk. While there are hundreds of marketers out there looking to make a quick buck off of your frustration, there are a small, scattered tribe of Clickbank marketers that are making a fortune on their terms, and are looking to share their knowledge with the world. It doesn't matter where you are, and in many ways it's even easier for those without a massive amount of marketing knowledge to apply the principles that can free you from your work.

Why? Because when you're new to something, you're not bound by the traditional DNA that keeps employees and marketers stuck in their computer chairs all day. If you're new to internet marketing and wondering where to go, or an experienced marketer that's looking to tone down their workload and upgrade their lifestyle, the principles that guide the best marketers could easily be applied to your online business today.

This free report, packed with information on affiliate marketing optimisations, earning secrets, and autopilot strategies, is the best way to maximise your online earnings and minimise your workload.

Click Here To Download Your Free Clickbank Income Report

Regardless of who you are and where you are in your online marketing career, you could be optimising things further and maximising your earnings. Don't fall for the old timers saying that you've got to put in hour after hour to see results. Instead, work smart and make sure that your time is spent on the things that truly matter. This free report can help you get there, no matter where you are now.

With such a massive amount of marketers and internet entrepreneurs looking to create an online business that scales around their lifestyle, it's becoming fundamental for even the simplest business to be able to be outsourced, automated, or optimised to the point where it requires a tiny time upkeep. While this type of business leaves out many specific business models, primarily those based around a service business, it opens big doors in many others; primarily affiliate marketing, online PPC advertising, and automated online commission businesses. If you're an affiliate marketer looking to create an online income that requires minimal upkeep, or even no upkeep at all, then you need to make sure that your business can truly survive without you.

There are hundreds of money-making products out there promising an online income with zero upkeep and input, all competing with each other. While many can definitely offer this possibility, it's still easy for online entrepreneurs and marketers to fall for the same old traps. Whether you make your emails an absolute priority, or focus on metrics that aren't fundamentally important to your income, it's easy to fall back into the habit of creating work for works sake. This should be avoided for anyone looking to create an autopilot income, as the small tasks that suck time away are often the least important in the long run.

Do an 80/20 analysis on your businesses profit centres. These questions can help you cut the poorly performing parts of your business loose, and let you focus on the most important uber-profitable aspects:

- Wat are you selling most?
- Who are you selling to?
- How are you selling to them?

When you've identified what's selling, it's a lot easier to elimate the things that aren't selling. Identify the affiliate products that are responsible for 80% of your online income, and eliminate the others. When you free yourself from the work that the others produce, you can maximise the amount of time you spend on the more profitable ones.

Still worried about losing that extra revenue? Think about things this way: How many hours worth of work do the other products produce, and how much extra revenue do they bring in?

When you actually calculate the hourly value of each product, you can make more informed decisions on whether or not they're worth keeping. For example, an affiliate product that requires only two hours of work per week and brings in $260 in commissions, is paying you a total of $130 per hour. In contrast, an affiliate product that brings in $440 per week, and requires around 20 hours of work per week, is only bringing you $22 per hour.

If the above example proves anything to you, it's that revenue alone can be a distracting and false metric for measuring affiliate progress. When you measure by revenue alone, you lose a massive amount of potential analysis, and often fool yourself into thinking that you're earning more than you really are.

To read part 2 of this article, check out the free Powercharging Your Clickbank Income report. Feel free to distribute this article in any form as long as you include this resource box. You can also include your affiliate link if you sign up at Clickbank Pirate.

Click Here To Download Your Free Clickbank Income Report

Saturday, 29 October 2011

How to get Goolge's Attention ?.

The Internet is a boom to consumers because there is nothing you cannot find research and buy online. It is also a pain because of the amount of similar products and websites that exist, making choosing the right one difficult. A search for nearly any product or service will throw up hundreds, and often thousands of pages of results. Most people are also far to lazy and time constrained to search through more than a fraction of the web pages that Google will locate for them. 

In fact, most will stop at the first page, as long as they can find what they want there. They probably know that they may find something better or more competitively priced on page 10 or page 50, or somewhere in between, but who is going to spend all that time and make the effort of searching through hundreds of results in the hope of finding something better? If they do not find what they want on page one, they will look further, but will stop as soon as they find what is suitable and look no further.

The result of this is clear. What sells online may not be the best or the most attractively priced. It may not be something with the best service, support or warranty. In all probability it will be the first website that a viewer finds that offers what he wants. If location, location, location are the three most important things in real estate, they are even more so when it comes to ecommerce. 

The success of a website does not depend on how good the products or services it offers are, or the pricing (although these cannot be ignored). It is how soon a person searching can find the website that determines how successful it will be. In other words, how high a site appears in search results determines its success. And the amount of money that the website owner will make.

For years everyone has lived with the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) mantra without really understanding what it means. At the basic level it means placing enough keywords on a web page to attract the attention of Google. And the greater the attention, the higher the page will appear in the results. But put in too many words and the language becomes stilted and puts off readers. Even worse, if Google feels the page is keyword stuffed or that spam robots have been used, the page will be kicked out of the search results. Real SEO lies in understanding how the Google search robot works and communicating with it in the same language  one it understands and can relate to.

The way to do this is by using Spider Language, the language of the Google Search Robot. The robot does not care about the product, the pricing or how good the website is. If the language used in the website is Spider Language, the robot will be attracted to it and give it a high rating, resulting in a high search result. 

Anyone interested in boosting traffic to their websites and by grabbing eyeballs, increase their sales and the money they make, should seriously consider the use of Spider Language. If your website can talk to Google using Spider Language, obviously Google will be literally attracted to it and give it a high result rating.

To learn more about Spider Language, check out the free Google Spider report. Feel free to distribute this article in any form as long as you include this resource box. You can also include your affiliate link if you sign up at Clickbank Pirate

The internet is a boom to consumers because there is nothing you cannot find research and buy online. It is also a pain because of the amount of similar products and websites that exist, making choosing the right one difficult. A search for nearly any product or service will throw up hundreds, and often thousands of pages of results. Most people are also far to lazy and time constrained to search through more than a fraction of the web pages that Google will locate for them. In fact, most will stop at the first page, as long as they can find what they want there. They probably know that they may find something better or more competitively priced on page 10 or page 50, or somewhere in between, but who is going to spend all that time and make the effort of searching through hundreds of results in the hope of finding something better? If they do not find what they want on page one, they will look further, but will stop as soon as they find what is suitable and look no further.
The result of this is clear. What sells online may not be the best or the most attractively priced. It may not be something with the best service, support or warranty. In all probability it will be the first website that a viewer finds that offers what he wants. If location, location, location are the three most important things in real estate, they are even more so when it comes to ecommerce. The success of a website does not depend on how good the products or services it offers are, or the pricing (although these cannot be ignored). It is how soon a person searching can find the website that determines how successful it will be. In other words, how high a site appears in search results determines its success. And the amount of money that the website owner will make.
For years everyone has lived with the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) mantra without really understanding what it means. At the basic level it means placing enough keywords on a web page to attract the attention of Google. And the greater the attention, the higher the page will appear in the results. But put in too many words and the language becomes stilted and puts off readers. Even worse, if Google feels the page is keyword stuffed or that spam robots have been used, the page will be kicked out of the search results. Real SEO lies in understanding how the Google search robot works and communicating with it in the same language รข€“ one it understands and can relate to.
The way to do this is by using Spider Language, the language of the Google Search Robot. The robot does not care about the product, the pricing or how good the website is. If the language used in the website is Spider Language, the robot will be attracted to it and give it a high rating, resulting in a high search result. 
Anyone interested in boosting traffic to their websites and by grabbing eyeballs, increase their sales and the money they make, should seriously consider the use of Spider Language. If your website can talk to Google using Spider Language, obviously Google will be literally attracted to it and give it a high result rating.
To learn more about Spider Language, check out for free Google Spider report. Feel free to distribute this article in any form as long as you include this resource box. You can also include your affiliate link if you sign up at Clickbank Pirate.

The Facts About Affliate marketing with Clickbank Pirate

Clickbank Pirate is a fully proven, almost completely automated system that quickly and easily gets your online business up and running, and vacuuming up profits.

Besides possibly making more each month than you do now, the beauty of Clickbank Pirate is that it's hands-off like having your very own online ATM spitting out hundreds over and over.

I know that sounds too good to be true. I've seen the system they have created - It's
the real deal, and I have been using it . it and make a ton of extra Clickbank commissions.

Clickbank pirate is an Ultimate Plug & Play System, that could Generate You Unlimited Clickbank Commissions On Complete Auto-Pilot!

Check out the page here, it will blow you away!

They have completely eliminated the learning curve and done 99% of the work for you.
It is a  money making machine. No Kidding. It's one of the most insane things I have
seen in all my years of Internet marketing.

I purchased one and checked it. I was amazed and Impressed.+

  •  The USP includes 

* You don't have to sell anything

* You don't need to learn HTML or any other techy stuff

* You don't need to have your own website autoresponder, domain etc.

All you have to do is send some traffic to a squeeze page,  sit back and count the Clickbank commissions ticking in.  One thing that could bother a newbie,is the traffic generation.
The training sections  have adequate materials to help them with this.
If you can cut and paste, you have what it takes to make money with the Clickbank Pirate system. Making a good living online really isn't rocket science. It is easy and that simple when you have all the required things.

You already got what it takes, Even if you don't know about it yet.
The simplest and easiest way to get started, hands down, is to sell products from Clickbank.
There are dozens of proven ways to make an excellent living online. Yet so many people insist on making it a lot harder than it needs to be.

If you're still struggling to get those first few dollars online, then this could be the big break you've been waiting for With this proven system you can literally
start generating totally passive income in just 15 minutes from now Everything is done for you.
Click here to Learn more .
Please do not expect to start on immediately, unless you provide it with some good burning traffic , it will take some time to start.  look out for progress  during the Initial month  and that should help you decide whether to keep or throw the system.
Even if you decide to throw the system , I am sure that you would be taking along  a good amount of  Affiliate marketing knowledge with you.

Why should you jail Break your Ipad ?

What is iPad Jailbreak?.

Jailbreak is the solution to get Paid Apps for Free (All App Store Paid Apps) even HD apps, plus hundreds of new features, hidden features by Apple,Inc.

Our Concept of  "Jailbreak" or "iPad Jailbreak".

Jailbreak is the process that allows our Apple devices like iPads, iPhones, iPods to have new features not permitted by Apple Inc. , some of the most important features are:

  • You can install Apps that are not approved by Apple yet. (Known as Third-Party Software)
  • If you are a developer you can manage the codes, resources and more of current installed Apps.
  • You can install Apps that you created, your own apps (if you are a developer obviously). When you submit your App to Apple for approval, the process could take months until approved. With the ipad jailbreak you won't have to wait more.
  • You can change your iPad theme. Tired of the same theme that all iPads owners have? Now you can choose one of hundreds of themes listed in a jailbroken iPad.
  • You can edit the icon of any App. You rename an App. You can manage the "secret" code structure of any App without problem (If you know how, practically, if you are a developer).
  • You will have access to the iPad root filesystem. (This gives the user more control over the device)

Do you need more information on this ? .   Check here .


We're sure you are wondering:

Is jailbreak Legal? How can I manage the iOS firmware, Apps and more without problem. Has Apple allowed users the use of jailbreak?

  • In 2010, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) determined that jailbreak process or jailbreak in Apple devices is totally legal Worldwide. The DMCA determined that the user or owner can do whatever he/she wants with the device because the product is his/her property. Although Apple sells the device, Apple can not do nothing against it.
  • You can do whatever you want with your device, you are partitially FREE! Without jailbreak you depend of Apple's terms, conditions and other annoying rules.
  • Obviously, Apple has not allowed the "Jailbreak" in their devices. One reason is that they loose thousands of dollars when users get Paid Apps for Free. Other reason is that Apple doesn't want users editing and managing the firmware "secret" code or structure.

Our iPad Jailbreak solution is so amazing that it has already been downloaded by over 8,000 people all over the world. That’s right people in 75 different countries are using our iPad Jailbreak solution to unlock their iPads and that is since our launch in Feb, 2010. Not to blow our own trumpet but this makes our iPad solution the best and the most used in the entire industry.
Our iPad Jailbreak system is completely unique and it has been tested rigorously. It even works if your iPad has been relocked after a firmware upgrade. In fact the bottom line is that it works no matter what iPad you have and not matter what its history is.

Please check the Free trail , You can visit the Free trail  from here

How to Make a Fortune with Facebook or Social Media marketing ?

Are  Facebook millionairess  real ?. 
Can we ever make a fortune form the Social Media marketing?.

Yes. We can. 
Welcome to the Blue ocean of  Social Media marketing .
The Big and under explored Marketing Opportunity that could change your life for ever.

Marketing can be real tough if you don't follow the basics. It is all about reaching the right customers , promoting or selling the right product at the right time. For example, you may not want to sell  "Keep warm jackets" during  hot summer, but selling "cool cotton summer clothing "  could always Increase the Chances of potential sales.  Marketing is all about identifying, selling and keeping a customer. A delighted customer is more likely to buy form you more often. More delighted the customers are, more than willing would they be to open their purses wide enough to boost your revenues.  For many years, marketers stalked their target customers through various means and by trying to get their message across to spread awareness about their wares. 
  • Traditional Means of Communication

Traditionally, marketing communications were conducted via print, broadcast and such traditional media through disruptive advertising, where advertisements appear in between the content of interest for the customer. 

Traditional media does give a large reach to a marketer with its programming of mass appeal. However, the wastage is equally high, since a large portion of the audience would belong to a different segment than the one that is to be targeted by the marketer.
  • Enter Social Media and the Internet

The revolution stirred by the internet as a medium took place because of the fact that it is highly personalized and provides more content on-demand than any other available medium. Social sites proliferated far and wide in their usage for a few simple reasons:

The power to create and distribute content is equally available to every user, irrespective of him/her being a customer or a marketer. In the earlier forms of media, that power rested with the editorial staff of the channel or the advertiser, but hardly ever with the user.
The medium is completely personalized, and a user can create or join groups and further create content based on what he/she likes.
Opinions are free and fair. This is one reason why social media is of utmost concern to marketers, since buying decisions are no more influenced as much by advertisements. The traditional word-of-mouth marketing approach has grown leaps and bounds on social networks.
  • Facebook – At the Center of Social Media

With 500 million (and growing) unique users worldwide, Facebook is the number one social networking site in terms of activity and subscriptions. What started as a garage initiative by Mark Zuckerberg has now become the biggest phenomenon on the internet.

A user interface that allows for quick communication and the ability to create fan pages and groups at the click of a mouse button are what make Facebook extremely popular. Another important reason for its immense popularity is the wide variety of social applications that have been developed and made available within the Facebook environment.

These applications can allow users and friends to do joint activities like playing games that run endlessly, sharing photos, videos, and web links, and many more.
  • How does this help a marketer?

Traditionally, media plans were drawn to include television channels, publications, or any other media that can grab maximum eyeballs and effectively reach a selected target audience. The science of segmentation and targeting has become only more accurate in the case of social media. 

Facebook provides a wide variety of avenues to communicate with the audience, which opens up an entirely different world of possibilities to have a fruitful dialogue with customers. Some of these methods used popularly by marketers are:

  • Advertising: 

The first opportunity, which is the most obvious one, is advertising on Facebook. The difference, however, is the fact that you can create your own advertisement in a matter of minutes and also specify the details of your target group in terms of demographics and types of discussions where you want your advertisement to appear. 
Fan Pages: Facebook allows every brand, as well as individual users, to create fan pages for their favorite celebrities and their own homegrown businesses. Large brands have also created their official pages on Facebook that have a huge, immediate fan following around the world. The fan page has immense utility to convey first hand information about the brand and also to collect immediate and frank feedback from your customers.
Branded applications: One of the most effective ways to engage a user toward your brand is by creating an application; this could be a game or a contest, with your branding coming across subtly through it. 

What makes Facebook even more exciting is the way it allows you to target your communication sharply just to the customer segment you want to attract. It also provides analytics and page insights that give good feedback and measurement on the activity done.

The options provided by Facebook can be creatively explored and used judiciously for bringing about maximum benefits to any brand. 

However, while doing all this, you need to be aware of the fact that customers have an equal say and have the ability to respond immediately to any of your actions with a thumbs up or a thumbs down. Availing the service of a social media consultant to work out a social media strategy may be required so that your efforts will not be in vain.
Even though there are many available training options available , I would recommend you follow one of the tested , proved and successful method to ensure Success Learn more here.

Friday, 28 October 2011

Getting Your Dream Girl.

Have you ever wondered how the other Guys get the Dream Girls they always want?. It is simple, if you notice closely, majority  follows a  very precise and well proven method. Success is yours  if you follow the simple steps below.

  •  The showing up. Be yourself.

"Attitudes are contagious. Are yours worth catching?" - Dennis and Wendy Mannering

Once you have an impulse to win a girl, never ever rush to her, Observe her for a while and understand the air around.
The key thing here is to get noticed. It is OK to be  a bit rude as long as it  helps grabbing her attention. Attitude is handy here and girls are well known to pick on attitude very easily. 
If a girls feels, that life is not centric to them, and there are other things that count in there lives, it  creates a feeling of insecurity.
They love to be secure and this can really work  wonders. It can remarkably succeed  and If implied correctly, consider yourself a step closer to getting her on date.

  • Drama creation.

Once you are sure that the girl has noticed you slowly  show genuine interest and attraction towards her for a couple of days. Then for a while maintain some  distance. This could puzzle them easily  and would  definitely give a second thought on your unusual behavior, which may result in making a dream date possible. In the mean while, make sure  not to interact with other girls because this can make them feel, that you are not interested anymore.
Be reserve in your place, do your work calmly and we can ensure an approach by her very soon.

  • Physic game 

Play a psychological game with the girl you want to date.Know her psychology and apply the tactics according to it, as this can bring your darling in your arms. Be there when she needs you and this can create a special place for you in her heart.Act to her mentality, but never lose your dignity.

  • Flattery

Mostly girls like to be praised and this can be no different with your dream girl too. 
If you really have the zeal to take her on dream date, then learn how to praise and get the ideas of sweet talks to girls. These strategies can give definitely bring the desired girl to you. But if you want to maintain a long term relationship, then do as you promise.
After reviewing the points in article, we can conclude that if anybody has a strong desire for a girl, then it all boils down doing the right, at the right time!

Learn more . Click here.